William A. Goddard
Complete inhibition of a polyol nucleation by a micromolar biopolymer additive
Entropic Stabilization of Water at Graphitic Interfaces
Focus on the deformation mechanism at the interfacial layer in nano-reinforced polymers: A molecular dynamics study of silica - poly(methyl methacrylate) nano-composite
Multilayer Two-Dimensional Water Structure Confined in MoS₂
Interfacial Thermodynamics of Water and Six Other Liquid Solvents
Scaled Effective Solvent Method for Predicting the Equilibrium Ensemble of Structures with Analysis of Thermodynamic Properties of Amorphous Polyethylene Glycol–Water Mixtures
Role of Specific Cations and Water Entropy on the Stability of Branched DNA Motif Structures
Deswelling Mechanisms of Surface-Grafted Poly(NIPAAm) Brush: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach
The Role of Confined Water in Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Design of Covalent Organic Frameworks for Methane Storage
Thermodynamics of Water Stabilization of Carboxybetaine Hydrogels from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Entropy and the driving force for the filling of carbon nanotubes with water
Absolute Entropy and Energy of Carbon Dioxide Using the Two-Phase Thermodynamic Model
Electronic−Mechanical Coupling in Graphene from in situ Nanoindentation Experiments and Multiscale Atomistic Simulations
Quantum mechanics based force field for carbon (QMFF-Cx) validated to reproduce the mechanical and thermodynamics properties of graphite
Chemistries for Patterning Robust DNA MicroBarcodes Enable Multiplex Assays of Cytoplasm Proteins from Single Cancer Cells
Arginine, a Key Residue for the Enhancing Ability of an Antifreeze Protein of the Beetle <i>Dendroides canadensis</i>
Atomic-Level Simulations of Seeman DNA Nanostructures: The Paranemic Crossover in Salt Solution